Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Common Errors

Viewers, I am sorry for not posting for a long while. But here I am back in the middle of loads of work :-)

Right... The following are some common errors we often meet in daily conversations.

1. Borrow vs Lend.
A: I need some money to buy a lunch. Can I borrow from you?
B: Oh...yes of course. I will lend you twenty thousand. Is that enough?
A: Yes. Thank you very much.

Dari percakapan sederhana diatas, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa "borrow" artinya meminjam -
kita meminjam sesuatu dari orang karena kita tidak punya atau kurang.

Sedangkan "Lend" artinya meminjamkan - orang membutuhkan sesuatu dari kita dan karena kita punya maka kita pinjamkan.

2. Thank you vs thanks
- Hi Bona. Thank you for the ride yesterday.
- Hi Bona. Thanks for the ride yesterday.

"thanks" tidak lagi menggunakan you setelahnya. Dan penulisan thanks tidak dipisah oleh tanda '.

3. Bored vs Boring
- I felt bored because the film was bad.
- The seminar was boring. Nobody was listening to it.

"bored" berarti bosan dan "boring" artinya membosankan. Maka tidaklah tepat mengatakan "I'm boring" ketika sedang bosan. "I'm bored" lebih tepat.

4. Tall vs High
- Your sister looks very tall.
- Mount Everest is very high.

Kita menggunakan "tall" untuk menggambarkan orang yang tinggi sedangkan "tall" untuk gedung atau benda lainnya yang tinggi.

I think that would be all for now. I've got to get back to work. Cheers...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Did you know: Shy, Ashamed and Embarrassed?

In Did you know? this time we will talk about the differences among shy, ashamed and embarrassed.

Please study the examples below:

- Susan is a shy girl. She never sees somebody's eyes when she talks to him/her.

- Maudy went to a local shop to buy some oil yerterday. When she was at the cashier and about to pay, she found out that she left her purse at home. she felt so embarrassed.

- Look! Even a kid like Lukman can stay in line. You should be ashmed of yourself.

In Bahasa Indonesia, I think we can translate them this way:
Shy for pemalu (for character)
embarrassed for malu (for an incident)
Ashamed for merasa malu (for something we did wrong)

So, now we can use them appropriately. Congratulations! your English has improved now.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Time for Some Motivation

Discipline is to do the things that you have to do, when you have to do them, whether or not you have the mood.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Did you know: Many & Much Vs A lot of?

Many & Much Vs A lot of

Many and much are not often used in affirmative sentences.
They usually come with too e.g. too many things in affirmative sentences.
Many and much are mainly used in negative sentences and questions.

Instead of many or much, a lot of is commonly used in affirmative sentences .

So... Instead of saying "I have many friends," we say "I have a lot of friends".

Interesting, isn't it?

So, from now on, say "I have a lot of things to do", not "I have many things to do".

Keep visiting my blog and you will get more interesting information about English. Please like it if you think it's good. Cheers.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Did you know: Ms. Vs Miss?

Ms is not short for Miss.

Ms is for adressing an adult female, married or unmarried while Miss is for unmarried female and Mrs married.

Mr on the other hand is used generally.

I hope you are clear now about the differences between the two. 

Read more for more :-)


Language is fun. Therefore, learning English has to be fun :-)
English is not everything yet everything is in English